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If you are a Calgarian who is a fan of Japanese culture, you have likely heard of Otafest! Stephen Avenue fills with amazing cosplay costumes and enthusiastic festival-goers.

" Calgary’s non-profit, all-ages Japanese anime and pop culture festival featuring anime screenings, an exhibitor hall, community panels, cosplay contests, voice actors, concerts, and so much more! "

Otafest Amplified! is the big Friday night concert for Otafest, and this year featured musical guests The Slants, and DJ Rusty Meeks & James Landino. We were the opening act for the show, for a very enthusiastic and well dressed (Cosplay!) audience, which was held at the Telus Convention Centre. We were honoured to be invited to perform at the indoor concert, in addition to an outdoor night festival performance collaborating with Yosoca, a yosakoi dance group.

The indoor Otafest Amplified! performance was an exciting and successful way to open the crowded Friday night concert in the main hall. Unfortunately, due to the cold and wet weather, we were unable to perform outdoors for the festival performance with Yosoca. We look forward to being a part of this event in the future, and hopefully the weather will cooperate!

video from the event:


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