Performing for a local TedxCalgary was a lot of fun! Performing with Midnight Taiko, we opened the day with a bang, and then we also played after lunch to begin the afternoon sessions. It was really interesting to hear the other speakers and have taiko a part of the event!
From TEDxCalgary (videos to be posted):
In today’s increasingly polarized and opinion-driven world, where willful ignorance and deliberate anti-intellectual campaigns appear to be on the rise within society, what is Signal and what is Noise? Whose ideas are worth listening to (and amplified), and whose distractions and untruths should be tuned out?
For 2017, TEDxCalgary is bringing together an incredible group of speakers to challenge our assumptions about the world around us, spark our imaginations about the potential future in front of us, and help give us the perspectives to navigate a journey that demands even more profound wisdom from human beings, individual acts of courage to change, and a shared collective vision for tomorrow.
It all comes together on November 4th in a crescendo of experiences, ideas and dialogue. Our more than one dozen speakers and performers are dreamers and doers, technologists and entrepreneurs, business leaders and creators. All will be bold and provocative in their perspectives, at a time when humanity most needs innovative ideas that can be nurtured and amplified to meet the volatile, uncertain, complex and adaptive challenges that surround us.